Sunday, March 31, 2013

Banking Hours

I know they say that time starts flying the older we get, but this spring my time has been disappearing by the hour.  First - the usual daylight savings, whereby most people in the US lost an hour and some people (mentioning no names) were late for church.  Second - an oceanic crossing, whereby 7 hours disappeared as if by magic (don't worry I'm not complaining about a chance to travel even in sub-zero temperatures).  Third - a surprize second round  of daylight savings, whereby around 2:00am another hour went missing in Europe (thanks to a well-informed sister, trains were still caught!).   I am hoping these missing hours are banked somewhere and at some point when I need an extra long day I can make a withdrawal.  All this  confirms the fact that time is not a constant and I am just thankful that I haven't yet lost or misplaced 11 days.