Sunday, October 28, 2012

Movie Review of Sorts

Once when asked what type of movie I like, I replied, “quirky.”  Sadly, this is not a genre that is easily defined or categorized – which makes it difficult to find.  This weekend, however, I discovered a full 170 enchanting minutes of it.  I know this may seem long, but after watching two hours of the movie, I felt distinct relief that there was another 48 minutes still to come.

It is difficult to recommend quirky movies with the confidence that others will enjoy them as much as I do.  In this case, I am prepared to go out on a limb and say this movie will be both entertaining and fun.  The themes transcend culture and give life to those attempted in Dead Poets Society, but with a richness and optimism which I found lacking in this earlier film. 

This is a movie that I keep thinking about and has application for my personal life.  (A topic more suited for a conversation over coffee than a discourse for this blog.)  I can see the irony of proposing to watch a movie about experiencing a life of passion, but next time I plan to offset the couch sitting by joining in on the crazy aerobic antics of the musical numbers.  (Yes, I do plan to watch this movie again, and unless others promise to try some dance moves, by myself!!!)  Whenever a spare three hours comes your way, I recommend watching 3 Idiots!

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