Friday, June 21, 2013

Alternates for “Reasons to Get Married”

Based on updated experiences, the following are replacements to my original “Top 5 Reasons to get Married”.  These replacements match the tone of the original in that they do not represent the deep and philosophical.  Instead, they are small every-day items that contribute to a joyful marriage.  I had a hard time narrowing it down to two, so came up with alternates for each replacement.

#3a  Restaurant Menu Selection:  Phin and I have an agreement to switch plates halfway through our meal.  This is great for my love of options; I no longer have to narrow my choice to just one entrĂ©e.  (People do stare if you start ordering more than 1 meal for yourself at a time – even when you explain you like the left-overs).   

#3b :  Driving almost an entire year without filling the gas tank!!!!  Almost as good as having an electric car, is a husband who does not mind filling the tank.  This was never an enjoyable task for me, but the other day I was at the gas station and realized I couldn’t remember the last time I had to do this chore for myself.  (When using my credit card to pay for this fill-up, I forgot my zip code.  Apparently, living in a fantasy Emerald City is much easier when you don’t have to type in a Desert Kave zip code every week… but that is a different tale for another day.)    

#4a Someone to make phone calls for me:  I have always had a fear of phone calls.  Although I no longer have to bribe co-workers to make my appointments, talking on the phone still raises my heart rate.  I love having a designated phone caller in the family (that is not me) – and am enjoying the convenience of ordering take-out for the first time in my life.  

 #4b Night-time reminiscing of festive gatherings:  It is fun to come home after a dinner party and continue the merry-making by talking about our favorite moments.  It is even better, when after hosting a party ourselves; we tuck ourselves in for the night and give rave reviews of the evening.

For the official replacements, I'm leaning towards choosing 3a and 4b:)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happily Married

I recently reviewed my top 5 reasons for getting married.  (“Top 5” may be a misnomer as the list does not plumb the deep psychological depths of my reasoning.)  After a year of testing, I wanted to see if my expectations were correct and what revisions I may need to make to the list.

#1 Human Alarm Clock:  I can recommend marriage on the basis of this reason alone!!!!  I love the fact that someone gets up before me and starts the day.  Not having the pressure to “start the day” I merely join the party and it makes the waking up much less painful.  There is also the satisfaction of getting to sleep longer while my poor husband has to get up at the crack of dawn and trudge to work.  I do feel bad for him, but it makes my wake up time seem easily achievableJ

#2 No more drooling on strangers when sleeping on planes:  Once again, this reason has exceeded expectations!!!!  The ark animals were on to something - all forms of travelling is so much easier when done in twos.  There are several factors that make this true, but it is great when your Human Alarm Clock can transform into the Human Travel PillowJ

#3 No more funny looks when I introduce my date (previously imaginary):  I should have known my days of receiving funny looks were not over.  The other day, I ordered dinner for myself and a missing husband.  The waiter believed me until I was still alone after completely polishing off my dinner, and starting on Phin’s – his tater tots were irresistible.

#4 Learning to crotchet:  My crocheting days seem to have come to an end – although the days of crotcheting sneak up on me unawares.  On a list today, this would no longer make the cut…

#5 Excuse to make Wedding Invites:  Worth having a huge celebration party for the process of invite creation!!!

In my next post – I will come up with alternatives to replace reason #3 and #4…