Monday, January 6, 2014

Life vs Existence

Thoughts have been circulating for some time about finding the perfect location to live.  There may be a weather related theme but this came after a week of living in a house that would not warm up - only to realize our back door had blown open for who knows how long!!!!  (I'm still a little scared that a raccoon lodger may have moved in).  Below in no particular order are some of the swirling thoughts:

-  "I can't believe I live in Idaho!!!!"
-  "Wouldn't it be great to spend a year in Seville or Perth or the Caribbean..."
-  "I want to live in the same city as my sister!!!!!"
-  "I think I could be less of a couch potato if the weather outside was more inviting"
- "It would be great to live in a place where Winter was only experienced on fun ski vacations"
- "It would be a little sad to move out of our Eaves Drop House"
- "Would living in a tree house be a fun adventure?"

Then in my readings, I came across a quote that saddened me but served as a reminder of the importance of fully living regardless of location.

"We have a beautiful existence in Paris, but not a full life..."
Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik

I can't help but think True Beauty will only be found in a Full Life.


  1. That book is on my bookshelf waiting to be read!

  2. Hopefully I didn't give too much away with this quote - should have mentioned "spoiler alert"
