I tried to sign up for a blogger account today – I know, I finally arrived!! Probably only to discover that everyone has left and gone to some other computer land world that I haven’t even heard of yet. Yes, I am from the pen pal era, and in fact am still waiting for the zebra to come from my friend who was writing using her zoo animal stationery. Technically, however, I still have not actually arrived! I couldn’t get it to work on my computer due to some cookie blocking software. Did I actually tell the computer that I needed to lose a few pounds, or did it assume that on its own? I’m not sure if I should feel loved or offended.
I did make it as far as checking available blogger names, and I must say that was frustrating and hilarious at the same time. There are now a few blogs that I need to check out!! The one I finally ended up with …”but we get there” comes from a cartoon song that I saw as a kid. I loved it, but have no idea where it originated, or how I saw it. Basically, all these fast cartoon animals were getting to fun locations and then the chorus would show the slow turtles and have a line like “We may not go whizzing by with skateboard speed………..but we get there.” I thought it was hilarious (and still do) and it strangely is a good tagline for my procrastinating life-style… which some day I plan to work on!
P.S. I think I finally did arrive!!! Nice to meet you blog world!
4 years ago
Yayayay! I, for one, am glad you've arrived : ]